Monday, August 31, 2009

The basis for a series of downtown handouts, possibly.

You know, to expand the public's mind.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

//Gaslit/Fooled by The Flicker of The Light//

[Original scrawl]
A storm comes
and the power goes out.

The rain stops.

the town goes on a long smoke break.

In the middle of the night
the light comes on.

The cancer comes back.


//Fooled by The Flicker of The Light//

A storm comes
and the power goes out.

The rain stops.

the town goes on a long smoke break.

By candlelight and glowing embers
-- a minute is an enormous expanse of time.

In the middle of the night
the electron light comes on.

Gaslit again,
the cancer comes back.

There was a storm a few weeks back. I scribbled this down as I ate Chinese food by candlelight and finished it in the hard light glow of a computer screen later. Tell me which you prefer/don't (if either) and why.